Cups of art

Which is your favorite? My favorite is the one that has ears.

More cute art!

The fae brought me coffee!

Our faery friends did coffee art this time. I believe it was the mama faery (Jennifer Elliott) that was the artist this time. Aren’t they just the cutest things?

Art Of Joseph A. Miller


Joseph A. Miller: Art | Flickr

Joseph A. Miller is an Associate Professor of Art at S.U.N.Y. Buffalo State, where he has taught drawing and painting since 1997. Miller’s work is in numerous public and private collections, and has been shown internationally in Finland, China, Poland and the Czech Republic, as well as across the United States, from Berkeley, California to Cambridge, Massachusetts. His work is represented by Art Dialogue Gallery in Buffalo, NY and West End Gallery in Corning, NY.


What Joseph has to say about his art:

I focus primarily on the human figure depicted in environments that create a context for psychologically charged open ended narratives. Many of these narratives explore ideas about power and vulnerability, about enchantment and play. Children are often featured because children often play.

Quality of light is a common theme. In particular, the way in which atmospheric light and locale can suggest a sense of mystery and silence. These works are dark, humid and hopefully, at their best, memorable. For me, the most successful are those that evoke the feeling that an event is about to happen or has recently happened.

Images of figures or figures in landscapes, in groups or in isolation, share a common feeling of significance. Wholly absorbed within themselves or the dialogue shared between one another, they wait for the unfolding of their private story.

The art of the faeries

They sent us more art for the blog! Isn’t it wonderful?

Sunday Suggestions

short story Prompt

zombie apocalypse but instead of living creatures its inanimate objects

Sunday Suggestions

Poetry Prompt

Bear Vs Man

Sunday Suggestions

Art Prompt

Draw a cat chasing a yarn ball.

Meet the Anthology Authors

Serenity’s Art has made it’s way into a couple of our anthologies. She seems to prefer to not be in the spotlight.

She has four art pieces in Fae Propaganda.

Meet The Anthology Authors

Ruan has been in so many of our anthologies and published one book with us. She has a second one in the works with an estimated date of sometime in 2025 for us to publish the sequel to her Toe rag.

To see all the Books she has been in check out her reading list…

She has 2 poems (Asunder and Only the Branches Knew her name) and a art piece (Charmed) in Fae Propaganda.

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